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Fire Marshal Courses in the UK

Fire Marshal Courses in the UK

Fire Marshal Training

Our fire marshal training course is an interactive half day fire training course designed to provide your fire marshal and your fire marshal deputies with sufficiently detailed fire safety information on the role of the fire marshal.

Who needs Fire Marshal and Fire Warden Training?

The current legislation requires for places of work to have a certain number of trained Fire Marshals / Fire Wardens in place. Our training course provides the requires knowledge and skills for Fire Marshals / Fire Wardens. Click here to download a Training Course brochure.

This interactive half day course is suitable for fire wardens, fire marshals, fire marshal deputies, managers, supervisors and any member of staff that has specific responsibilities towards fire safety.

By the end of the training session course attendees will be able to:

  • State their responsibilities as fire marshals
  • Describe how fire spreads and the different types of fire extinguishers and the appropriate use
  • Explain relevant fire procedures and why they are implemented
  • Define the importance of evacuation plans and how to follow these in the event of a fire
  • Detail the action to take upon discovery of a fire
  • Describe methods of identifying and managing risks
  • Explain human behaviour and what can be expected when in danger
  • Detail the importance of and the required actions in fire drills and with record keeping
  • The significant findings of your fire risk assessment (if required)

All course attendees will be provided with a Fire Marshal Certificate.

Contact us on 0333 016 4224 or E-mail us at for a course programme and course fees.